
What would you say to building a “crystal ball” to see where your company and position are heading?


"The future you see is the future you get." - Robert G Allen


            When you look into the future for your company, what do you see?  Do you know what the business will be providing for you in five years…in three years…this year…?  If so, congratulations!  If not, you have some dreaming to do and we recommend you get started right away!


Your company and your position are the vehicles that will either give you more life…or drain the life from you, and you get to decide which it will be.  So…which do you choose…more life - or less life?  We know, it seems like a silly question. However, the majority of business leaders choose less life, and they choose it on a regular basis.  Every day they choose to deal with the immediate concerns, they choose to do the work someone else could do, they choose to continue engaging in the same work habits that have kept them from moving forward, they choose to worry, stress and work to keep themselves and the business exactly where they were at yesterday.  They usually make these choices simply because they have not clearly identified what they want to be different.  They haven’t clearly identified what tomorrow looks like, let alone what next year looks like. 


Without a clearly defined vision of the future, a business leader has nothing to change and no goal to move toward - no compelling reason to work differently today in order to get a different result tomorrow.  If you have a written vision of the future, pull it out, knock the dust off and read it!  Dwell in the future, understand what it looks like and become attached to making your written vision of the future a reality.  When you are connected to what the future looks like you can plan your work in a way that ensures your vision will be a reality.  Take that existing vision and find a way to keep it front and center, to share it with everyone around you and make it a part of the journey you are taking.


If you don’t yet have a written vision of the future, pull out your pencil and get to work.  Describe your clients…what does your office look like… how many locations will you have…how many team members…how much revenue…what are the benchmarks you will hit? Write it all down.  Remember it’s not just about the numbers!  It’s about the experience; yours, your team, your community and your clients.  Describe the experience your business will give your employees, the experience your employees will give to your clients and the impact your business will have on your community.  Get clear on the type of leader you would like to be and define the life your family will have as a result of the business and career you are designing.


Set aside a minimum of one hour each week to read your written vision and identify the weekly goals that must be achieved to ensure you are progressing towards the future you choose to experience.  Set aside at least 10 minutes each day to examine your progress and ensure you are focusing on the right work, the work that takes you into the future.


“The future you see is the future you get.”  Describe it; plan for it, live it.  Remember, it all starts with you and you vision.  It is time to DREAM!


What does your vision for the future look like?  What will you do to capture that vision on paper and begin using it to chart you course?